best way to use Krell amp with 803N

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  • kurtholz
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2005
    • 345

    best way to use Krell amp with 803N

    Hey all

    Just took possion of a Krell 5 channel home theater standard last week, everything is hooked up, but waiting on some XLR Y 's to bi-amp my 803N,( which are most likely going to turn into 802D's in the near future, upgraditis has a full hold on me) , anyway

    i was wanting some opinions, as i noticed i could switch 4 of the Krell channels into 2, thus doubling it to 400 watts at 8ohms, and like all amps doubling again at 4 ohms to 800

    or do you think the bi-amp way would be a better approach,

    i know it's somewhat speculative, just want some opinions

    on a side note, just running it bi-wired thru 2 channels, comparing it to the kav3250 i was using, which is now relegated to rear surrounds and rear center, even though it is rated at the same watt's, the theater standard really add's a noticable difference in sound quality

    i can only imagibe what it will be like when i can use all it's power


  • misterdoggy
    Super Senior Member
    • May 2005
    • 1418

    IMHO Biamp is better than 2x400 reasoning being that you are not getter more quality but just more power (+dbs) where as biamping might add some quality

    200w is plenty for the 803


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