What to do with htm4s and 603s3?

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  • Djas_Puhr
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2005
    • 26

    What to do with htm4s and 603s3?

    Hey everyone,

    I've been pondering this problem for a while now and I thought I'd open up the discussion to the htguide community.

    I'm in the middle of converting my basement into a sweet listening room! Unfortunately, since I'm doing the labour myself, the project is eating up precious listening time and upgrade finances. This puts me in a funny position with a rosenut htm4s. See, I bought it nearly a year ago as, well, a kind of impulse buy. It's been great, but not a piece that I had ever planned on keeping forever since it doesn't fit in my component rack and to place it on top of the tv makes it sit too high (also doesn't perfectly match my N803 mains). Anyways, my dealer has a 1 year upgrade policy and the year is almost up. I'm wondering what to do.

    My options are (as far as I can see):

    1. Keep the htm4s (It *is* a fairly nice center channel).
    2. Trade it up for htm3s or htm2d as a more permanent center channel solution for when I have a front projection setup. (but really I should be spending the money on finishing my room)
    3. Trade in the htm4s *and* my "spare" pair of 603s3 for a speaker model that I'm just interested in (ex. 805S) plus a LCR600s3 that will fit in my rack.
    4. Trade in everything (N803, htm4s, 603s3), take out a loan, and get 803D/802D :T (not really serious on this one, but it would be excellent!)

    What say you, community? I'm open to other ideas as well.

    Thanks for any help you can give.
    Last edited by Djas_Puhr; 01 November 2006, 17:29 Wednesday. Reason: grammar
    "Don't mock the speakers... They have you surrounded." :
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