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  • LikeCoiledSteel
    Senior Member
    • May 2004
    • 210


    I had a meltdown on Saturday. We watched a movie on Friday night with no problems as usual. On Saturady morning we started to watch a movie. On the menu screen there were some weird pops and static I had never heard before. We were watching 5 minutes into a movie when we heard some strange noises coming out of the front 2 speakers (B&W CDM7NT's) then 3 second later I saw a fire flash behind the left speaker's mid driver and my Krell Kav250a smoking. I immediatly shut everything down. The one CDM7NT had a burning smell out of both the ports, but mainly the mid driver. The other 7 looked and smelled fine.

    I am wondering if the amp blew only the 1 speaker? I had blown the other 7NT 2 months ago and it was replaced free on warranty. The speakers are from 2003. So the one that blew on Saturday was the original. Do you guys think that only one speaker fried, and if so, perhaps it was due to it being the older drivers? Anything happan like that to anyone else? I had been using this system for 2 years without incident. The speaker blowing 2 months ago was from War of The worlds and its bass. My preamp reset itself without my knowledge before I played it and blew the 1 speaker. We later watched the movie with only the center and 2 surrounds, they seemed to be fine.

    My Krell was serviced in 2003-4 by Krell for a system checkup by the previous owner. I am the second owner. Do you think Krell will offer to fix it at a discount or free minus shipping of course? If not, I think Bryston's 20 year warranty is looking like my next upgrade.
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