Looking for more rear surround advice

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  • BW4me
    • Nov 2005
    • 75

    Looking for more rear surround advice

    I'm still looking to add two rear speakers in a 5.1 system for movies. I currently have the CDM7NT's and matching center. I'm looking for any helpful advice on what rear speaker set up might give me the best sound for movies with my situation - which is, no rear wall. So, speakers would have to go in vaulted ceiling (11.5 ft high), or on side walls (7 - 8 ft high).

    The options I'm considering are:

    CCM80 or CCM65

    Any advice would be appreciated.

  • Audiophiliac
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2006
    • 346

    If you can fit the CDM SNT in, that would be what I would do. Otherwise, I would do the wall mount (in or on) versus the ceiling speakers. But any B&W should blend and sound quite good.


    • DavidB
      • Jan 2006
      • 71

      If you are looking at mounting on a side wall have a look at the DS8 or th ein-wall version the CWM DS8. The can operate as either dipole's or regular speakers. I'm getting the in wall one's built in at the moment. I am using them because my sofa sits against the back wall so these will give me the best surround sound effect, they woul ddo a similar job for you mounted on a side wall I think. On B+W's website it specifically mentions them as being suitable for a side wall.

      I will be able to tell you more about them in about a month when my system is up and running.


      • BW4me
        • Nov 2005
        • 75

        If I used the CDMSNT's I'm wondering if it matters that they would be about 4ft behind sitting position on side walls since the tweeter would then not aim toward listener exactly. Any opinion about this?



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