Century Stereo: San Jose/Saratoga, CA

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  • tonyle08
    Junior Member
    • May 2006
    • 18

    Century Stereo: San Jose/Saratoga, CA

    Hi guys.....does anyone have experience with Century Stereo. I've purchased my entire stereo system from them last year and at the time they knocked off the tax for me. I knew it wasn't the best deal but I was in a rush to get my equipment. So I stopped by earlier this week and inquired about purchasing 804s and the best they can do for me is tax again. I feel like I should be able to get at least 10% off, but they won't budge at all. I feel that just because I live in Silicon Valley, the businesses are a little tougher when it comes to discounts.
  • Pez
    Senior Member
    • May 2004
    • 472

    Every dealer is different when it comes to the discounts they give. For example, one local to me is an effort just to get 10% even though I bought a fair amount of things from him in the past. On the other hand, I went to a dealer in state nearby (state was having a tax free weekend) and got 15% right off the bat even though I had never been there before (add in the no tax and I got a great deal). Sometimes you might have more luck trying to get bigger discounts on things like cables when buying speakers/electronics.

    Its almost like a game but one thing I have noticed is if you try to bargin for a better discount thinking they should cave since others off better deals they will not treat you very nice. Sometimes things like service and how they treat customers when a problem arises can subsitute for bigger discount. Not wallet friendly but knowing you have good support can go a long way.


    • tonyle08
      Junior Member
      • May 2006
      • 18

      I guess that is true, but it's hard to pay for something when you read members on this board getting such great deals with ease.


      • Mark_C.
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2003
        • 386

        The Century guys are in the cat-bird seat at the moment. It looks like San Francisco Stereo has closed down its shop in Mountain View, leaving Century as the only B&W dealer in Santa Clara County. I know Monterey Stereo sells B&W as does Gator Home Theater in Fremont. With Century, to get the best discounts, you have to purchase from them consistently (one substantial item a year I figure) so they consider you a "regular." Once you have that label, they'll start dealing. For example, in my early dealings with them, they refused to discuss price over the telephone. However, when I was negotiating the purchase of a set of Nautilus 805s with them and mentioned I was also talking with San Francisco Stereo, the Century salesman started throwing prices at me left and righ over the phone.
        Short answer: make them believe you're a regular who plans on being a long-time customer and the discounts will come.


        • tonyle08
          Junior Member
          • May 2006
          • 18

          I have been buying from them exclusively for the last 2 years. It seems like everytime you want more than tax off, they have to ask their manager which always ends up with a decline. I feel like I'm buying a car where the salesman always has to go to a higher power to make something happen.


          • Cactus
            • Feb 2006
            • 30

            Originally posted by tonyle08
            I feel like I'm buying a car where the salesman always has to go to a higher power to make something happen.
            You should feel like you are buying a car. How many other purchases do you make where you feel like you can beat up a salesperson for a deal? For some reason the audio industry has turned into the auto industry. Everyone expects all prices should be negotiable. Do you think the dealer can haggle with B&W for better cost pricing??? No Way!


            • nkb
              Junior Member
              • Mar 2006
              • 27

              My "experience" with Century

              I contacted Century Stereo with what I thought was a substantial order: $50K. Their response:

              a. "You are out of our area(I was ~70miles away). While we would like to deal with you, you need to contact your local dealer who is _______. They'll be able to help you."

              b. "The items that you are interested in (B&W etc.) are high-end "exclusive" items and we NEVER discount them."

              This offended me because:

              a. I was told where I had to take my business. I was told I had no choice but to buy from the local dealer and at MSRP.
              b. I was told how exclusive these items are, so pay MSRP.

              This smacked of price fixing to me, wherein the various regional dealers were shutting off any kind of negotiating and forcing me to buy at a specific place.

              In the end, I was able to get a reasonable discount (at my local dealer) but only after I found a dealer 500 miles away who was willing to deal and essentially gave me a benchmark as to what was possible. Otherwise, I was being treated as having no leverage whatsoever: "You want this equipment, then you have to play our game and by our rules." As a customer that was going to drop $50K, I rankled under this kind of treatment.


              • Pez
                Senior Member
                • May 2004
                • 472

                I never understood why certain dealers wont sell to people "out of thier market". I cant think of any other product where the seller would care where you live. If you want to drive 1000 miles to buy a tv from Best Buy there could care less where you are from. If you want to go to another state to buy a car do you think you would get turned down, no way. I live in CT and bought my B&W's and Rotel gear in MA when they had a tax free weekend, luckily where I lived didnt matter. And because I liked the place so much I will continue to buy from them, was never very happy with my local dealer anyways.

                I get the whole idea of individual dealers offering thier own discounts (if any) to protect thier margins but to deny a sale is crazy. If I drive 500 miles and would be willing to pay whatever they want they should gladly take my money. Price isnt the only factor in sale, service goes a long way and in my situation I feel I get much better service from a dealer 180 miles away. I fully understand that if I have a problem I may have drive all that way for a solution but that only happens to a small minority.

                (Note - now if you wanted a dealer 500 miles away to deliver when there is a local delear I would fully expect him to say your nuts, unless you were going to pay for it I guess)


                • tonyle08
                  Junior Member
                  • May 2006
                  • 18

                  I stopped by earlier today set on getting a pair of 804s. i asked for 10% instead of the just tax that they were offering. The guy asked his manager and came back saying if I wanted a new one it would be tax and if I took the demo model he would give me 10%. I found that insulting because the difference between tax and 10% was only $103. I am a frequent shopper there and was testing them to see if that $103 dollars would have made a big deal. So I ended up not buying them not because of the $103 dollars but it just seems like they weren't very willing to bend over backwards to have my business. Maybe that's why they've been in business for so long due to there low discounts.


                  • AptosJeff
                    • Jul 2006
                    • 75

                    B&W speakers at Century

                    I bought 804's this spring from Century in SJ and they would not discount. But, at my request, they did throw in 25' of some pretty nice speaker wire. I will say they were good about setting up speakers for me to listen to before I decided what I wanted. They left me alone for a couple of hours to listen to my CD's. No pressure.

                    Later, I found out Monterey Stereo would discount, and would even allow me to borrow them for an in-home demo. Oh well, I did buy a very nice used amp & preamp from them.


                    • tonyle08
                      Junior Member
                      • May 2006
                      • 18

                      Would you mind to tell me how much Monterey stereo was willing to discount AptosJeff? I've kind of cooled off a little since Century was unwilling to budge. But if Monterey stereo can offer me a discount I can't refuse. Then I wouldn't mind driving down there to pick up a pair.


                      • AptosJeff
                        • Jul 2006
                        • 75


                        I forget, maybe 10%. Call them and talk to John Bell, and see what he'll do. His store is not big, but is worth visiting, as he is knowledgeable and there is no hype or pressure.
                        Good Luck!


                        • BlazeMaster
                          Senior Member
                          • May 2004
                          • 644

                          i now live in Southern California and it's been a while since i been to Northern California. It sucks that the Mountain View SF stereo store closed down, that used to be my favorite store. They always had the best demo rooms, spacious and comfortable. If you are willing to commute why not drive up to SF for the SF stereo up there? That store does have limited space for demo, but I'm sure they will work with you on the price.


                          • tonyle08
                            Junior Member
                            • May 2006
                            • 18

                            I actually recently picked upa used pair on audiogon for a great price. I'm starting to prefer used items now due to the price. I've been pretty much turned off by the local dealers. It always seems they have the "you need me mroe than I need you" mentallity.


                            • BlazeMaster
                              Senior Member
                              • May 2004
                              • 644

                              Yes, I did get that vibe from the guys at Century Stereo. My experience with SF Stereo was completely the opposite. I usually deal with Derek at SF stereo(Mtn. View store). The other guys there were very helpful when Derek is on his day off, when they knew that only Derek would get the commission. Not all high end audio sales peopel are snobs.


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