Are B&W 800 Series worth it all?

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  • nick.h
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2006
    • 171

    Are B&W 800 Series worth it all?


    Im trying to convince myself that I want to upgrade from my AARON Loudspeakers to the B&W 800 Series,

    Looking at the 803s/805s/HTM3s.

    Is it actually worth the cost?
  • RebelMan
    Ultra Senior Member
    • Mar 2005
    • 3139

    nick, Cost is relative and people will be influenced by circumstances that may be different from yours. Before I could offer my advice (opinion) I would want to know if have you taken the opportunity to listen to the speakers you have in mind and what your thought of them on their own merit. Then we can better discuss your situation.
    "Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today."


    • norpus
      • Oct 2005
      • 60

      That's a big upgrade nick from Aarons.
      Are you buying new or second hand?
      If 2nd hand, there will be a lot more value if they have been well treated they will still be great speakers.
      I'd say yes if you have seen and heard them and LIKE them enough
      Be a top start to a big upgrade :P
      "He who dies first with the most toys wins"


      • stewfoo
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2005
        • 275

        I would look at the 700 series if you intend to keep your current electronics. Some would argue that you buy the best speakers possible. I think that unless you plan to be upgrading non-stop for quite a while, beware of the 800 series. I say turn back now while you can.

        "This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill (current speakers)- the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill (B&W 800 series) - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. " -- Morpheus, The Matrix


        • Briz vegas
          Super Senior Member
          • Mar 2005
          • 1199

          Nick, only you can answer this question. The factors are many and varied, including your room (acoustic treatment), system synergy, the type of music/movies you listen to, your listening habits, whether you are the type of person that gets that "wow" factor from the high end sound. You should also be aware that most people you know will think you are nuts if you let slip how much your 800 gear cost.

          RE stewfoo's comment - You will get better sound with better electronics (judging by my experience auditioning my 804s with higher quality gear) however you should still get a significant improvement in sound quality with the 800s. I still use a receiver (with power amp) and DVD player (I intend to add a CD player when funds allow)

          I love my 804s speakers. 12 months ago I said I would never get 800s because the price was too high in Australia. Now I have spent the cash and can just sit back and enjoy the music. I will say that I only went to the 800s for music which is about 90% of my listening time. Movies alone are just not worth it unless you have cash to burn.

          My suggested 4 step plan
          1. read what people here have to say and note how much it can vary.
          2. Take you favourite and not so favourite CD/DVDs that you know well for an audition. Spend at least a couple of hours listening, its alot of money. You may be surprised how your preferences change due to the more revealing sound of the 700s or 800s. (including between the two series)
          3. If you love it in the shop get a home demo on your own electronics, or if shop doesn't do that take your gear in to hear the two together.
          4. If you still love the sound you will have your answer

          Here endith the lesson. Good luck grasshopper.
          Mac 8gb SSD Audirvana ->Weiss INT202 firewire interface ->Naim DAC & XPS2 DR->Conrad Johnson CT5 & LP70S-> Vivid B1s. Nordost Valhalla cables & resonance management. (Still waiting for Paul Hynes PS:M)
          Siamese :evil: :twisted:


          • Briz vegas
            Super Senior Member
            • Mar 2005
            • 1199

            PS I have 3 aaron ss120 speakers. This is just to put my comments in perspective and I note that you are using more expensive models that I have not heard which should be significantly better than the 120ss - which probably makes this comment not particularly useful.
            Mac 8gb SSD Audirvana ->Weiss INT202 firewire interface ->Naim DAC & XPS2 DR->Conrad Johnson CT5 & LP70S-> Vivid B1s. Nordost Valhalla cables & resonance management. (Still waiting for Paul Hynes PS:M)
            Siamese :evil: :twisted:


            • VictorHRS
              • Apr 2005
              • 79

              Originally posted by stewfoo
              I would look at the 700 series if you intend to keep your current electronics. Some would argue that you buy the best speakers possible. I think that unless you plan to be upgrading non-stop for quite a while, beware of the 800 series. I say turn back now while you can.

              "This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill (current speakers)- the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill (B&W 800 series) - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. " -- Morpheus, The Matrix

              Very good post and advice! :P The 800s will disappear with all you have left in your pockets!


              • WI Rotel
                Senior Member
                • Jul 2006
                • 657

                Are 800 series worth it, well, yes, if you have the money! The 700 series also sound great. Iwould simply do a comparo with what you have compared with what you can afford. If its a great improvement to your ear go for it. Obviously start your audition with the cheaper ones if not you'll be spoiled from the get go. The 600 series is a good place to start, IMO they are definitely the best bang for the buck. Like in everything the value is inversly proportional to the price. If you're into audio video don't forget to try the XT but be aware that for best sound you'll need a PV1. Personally a pair of XT4's with a PV1 sounds as good if not better than a pair of 703.


                • Race Car Driver
                  Super Senior Member
                  • Mar 2005
                  • 1537

                  I can say this....
                  Since I aquired my 802 for a great price, (some say i got an awesome deal, but thats not the point)

                  The point is even though I picked em up for cheap, it has led to the non stop upgradeitus spending most of my free money on the setup. And im not done, and wont be done for some time. And now because of that great deal.. I have no money.
                  How does it go... No money no problems? :rofl:

                  Turn back!!! :lol:


                  • nick.h
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2006
                    • 171

                    Ahaha, fair enough


                    • DeepEndX
                      Senior Member
                      • Feb 2005
                      • 106

                      If you have the budget, you should go to a dealer and listen to the 800 series. You would have to invest more than just speakers. If you don't, stay far away from it. Because once you start, there is no turning back.

                      Good luck!



                      • earwit
                        • Jun 2006
                        • 50

                        I agree with DeepEndX, if you go with B&W 800 series, the Harmon Kardon simply
                        won't cut it . So keep in mind if you upgrade the speakers, you will need to
                        upgrade want goes into them, ...



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