Help Me With My Upgrade.

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    Junior Member
    • Aug 2006
    • 7

    Help Me With My Upgrade.

    Ok guys, the time has come. I have 6 months before my 1 year step program eligibility goes bye bye. So I need to upgrade while I still can as it will be cheap. I cannot afford the elctronics right now, but will after the speaker purchases. My wife has agreed to donate 2k to the cause, I have to come up with the rest. I am lik 90% Movies, 5% xbox 360, 5% hd cable tv. Don't listen to mucis much except in the car or on my pc. Anyway here is my current speaker setup:

    B&W DM604S3 Mains, B&W LCR600S3 Center, B&W DM601S3 surrounds, and HSU VTF3-MKII subwoofer, and Rotel RSX-1056 receiver. 5.1 total.

    Here is what I was looking to upgrade to, but I do not know if it is worth the money vs performance increase: B&W 703 mains, B&W htm3 center, and 705 or ds6/ds7 for surrounds.

    I want to keep the sub so no sub recommendations, just 5 speakers...B&W
    recommendations, thoughts, and opinions please. Thanks in advance eveyone.


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  • tboooe
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2005
    • 657

    Not that I would ever talk anyone out of an upgrade but since you are so heavy into HT and movies I wonder if the uppgrade you suggested is worth it. If movies is your thing perhaps a different monitor (1080p) or DVD player or processor could bring you more enjoyment. I am not into HT at all but from my experiences, having high end speakers just for HT is not worth it. To me, the speaker requirements (aside from the sub) for HT is much less demanding and critical than for music. On the other hand, the image quality is absolutely critical.

    Just my humble 2 cents


    • miner
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2005
      • 900

      The audio portion of your setup is AOK for HT. As tboooe suggested, upgrade your video end since that is your avenue of enjoyment.


      • ABSiNTH
        Junior Member
        • Aug 2006
        • 7

        I already have a 1080p 72 inch dlp there goes that idea...maybe a prepro and amp? or is that even worth it for the 600 series?


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        • dknightd
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2006
          • 621

          Maybe a second sub? Not for more volume, but for better distribution.
          Or the next step up in center channel?
          Or room treatments.
          Or beer and popcorn?
          Or put the money in the bank and smile.
          Or just let the wife spend the money the way she wants and pile up more points
          for a bigger future upgrade?

          If there is something about your setup you don't like, then perhaps people can help.
          I'm a two channel guy, but isn't there a "better" center speaker in the 600 series?

          I think I'd put your money in a better center channel (if there is one in the same family, which I think there is), then room treatments. For theatre (and for that matter music) you'd likely get more bang
          for your buck by getting bass traps for all corners, and absorbers at first reflection points.

          The setup you have is very good for HT. I don't think you'll get a significant
          improvement without doubling your budget. Of course I could be wrong.
          It really depends what you want. Wanting to spend more money just beacuse
          you have it doesn't make sense to me unless you have a goal, or weekness
          you want to correct.


          • Russ L
            Senior Member
            • Jul 2006
            • 544

            Your 604s, LCR 600 and 601 rears should be great for HT if thats all you use them for. If you're happy with music on the computer don't bother upgrading just for HT. Wait till HDMI 1.3 comes along and upgrade your receiver, get a 2nd generation HD-DVD player or a new tv. Never heard a HSU sub but others say they're good. Save your money for future upgrades :T -Russ


            • marano
              Senior Member
              • May 2006
              • 125

              How about a HD-DVD player or Bluray player?


              • MidFi
                Junior Member
                • Jan 2005
                • 10

                The 700 series is a definite step up if your set on upgrading speakers, but like others have said, you may be better off spending money in other places if you're looking for the best bang for the buck. Consider upgrading your receiver to seperates processor and amplifier (even within the Rotel family). Also some well thought out room treatment (IE: bass corner traps) can do wonders for HT like dknightd mentioned.
                The center channel speaker is very important for HT, but the HTM3 is very big, I dont think it would fit in your current rack. From looking at your webshot pictures you should also move the front speakers out to at least the front edge of the TV, and preferable as far away as possible (It appears you have several compromises in your room).
                Looks like you have a comfortable room and an entertainment paradise.
                COUCH POTATO HEAVEN :T
                Good luck, it's wonderful to have a wife that enjoys home entertainment like you obviously do.


                • WI Rotel
                  Senior Member
                  • Jul 2006
                  • 657

                  I know I'm just harping on a dead horse but I would go for an XT based system instead of the 7. Their slim profile and their doubling of the 7's dispersion make them the perfect selection for HT, furtheremore, you won't lose any of the 7 sound quality. The 1056, however, will definitely not drive them at all, the XT's, in my experience (with a 1067), require separates. Another plus point is that they cost less than 7 system. My X360 sound's unbelievable on them.


                  • Gump
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2005
                    • 522

                    Spring for some higher end B&W speakers (800 series if you can sqeeze it) and you'll be amazed at how, as if by magic, your HT percentage will decrease and your home music listening percentage will increase. You will magically broaden your home entertainment horizons.....


                    • fauzigarib
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2006
                      • 216

                      Upgrade you pre / pro!

                      Hey there,

                      Not to take this thread in another direction completely, considering you watch movies mainly, have you thought about upgrading your pre / pro? I'm sure the Rotel is really nice, but ever consider Lexicon or Meridien? It's a considerable step up, and the flexibility that you get with these processors is unreal.

                      Plus, Lexicon's own Logic7, and Meridien's Trifield processing modes are unbelievable examples of what a processor can do with simple 2 channel source material.

                      Since I'm a Lexicon convert (had a range of processors / receivers from Yamaha to Marantz to Rotel before I stopped at my MC-8), I know that the flagship MC12 can be had for a fraction of their retail price these days because of the lack of HDMI interface. So if you can do without that, $4,000 may get you much further than you think on audiogon.

                      Good luck, man.... Leave the speakers be... I really really think you'd be wasting your money with upgrading your HT mains. Either way, do keep us posted on this forum. Would be happy to see you content with your setup!



                      • norpus
                        • Oct 2005
                        • 60

                        Originally posted by Gump
                        Spring for some higher end B&W speakers (800 series if you can sqeeze it) and you'll be amazed at how, as if by magic, your HT percentage will decrease and your home music listening percentage will increase. You will magically broaden your home entertainment horizons.....
                        Oops, thats a deja vu for me from 12mths ago with a similar 600 series HT setup....
                        "He who dies first with the most toys wins"


                        • ABSiNTH
                          Junior Member
                          • Aug 2006
                          • 7

                          Yea i am actually really happy with it, i just have a chance to use my step up program through my dealer for another 6 months so its like why not right? Anyway i cannot move my mains out or more forward more as you would not be able to walk into my room because the couch comes to within like 12inches or less of the tv there...kinda hard to see. The lcr600 is the top of the 600 line for center channel speakers. I have looked and am looking into lexicon as well as bryston electronics for my separates on audiogon...I considered going the xt route, but my dealer said they were more for cosmetic appeal then their performance, however i may go back this weekend to audition them some more. I also plan on getting another HSU vtf3 mk2 sub.

                          norpus: what did you upgrade to from your 600 series?

                          Thanks so much to everyone for the help and insight as I have been playing around with all the ideas posted here prior to them being posted....maybe i need moral support as i am a B&W addict?


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                          • BTB
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2006
                            • 198

                            Originally posted by ABSiNTH
                            Anyway i cannot move my mains out or more forward more as you would not be able to walk into my room because the couch comes to within like 12inches or less of the tv there...kinda hard to see.

                            Maybe instead of a speaker upgrade you might try getting into a bigger room? Like add some space onto your house? Just kidding. :


                            • ABSiNTH
                              Junior Member
                              • Aug 2006
                              • 7

                     the worx. We currently rent, but not for long cuz vegas is so damn expensive. Looking at houses...then I can put in a dedicated theater room o_0


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                              • norpus
                                • Oct 2005
                                • 60

                                Originally posted by ABSiNTH
                                norpus: what did you upgrade to from your 600 series?

                                Thanks so much to everyone for the help and insight as I have been playing around with all the ideas posted here prior to them being posted....maybe i need moral support as i am a B&W addict?
                                12 mths ago I had a 600 series HT setup like you - no need for 2ch until some new 'mates' turned up and opened my eyes

                                Since then I have done a bunch of stuff
                                Gone separates
                                Got into 2ch with buying a transport and DAC1
                                switched my room orientation 90degrees and taken the family room mostly over
                                installed a big IB sub in floor
                                eq'ed the sub with a behringer
                                got a sweet clean 7 channel amp
                                biamped the mains
                                bought 802d for 2ch
                                integrated the sub for 2ch and HT using 2 behringers
                                installed curtains 270degrees for HT light control and 2ch SQ
                                bought big rug for floor relection control and warmth
                                bartered the old 603s away for electrical work in the room from a sparkie mate
                                still retaining the 600 series for HT - they do a fine job esp with the IB sub. The lcr600 is a good centre and I won't likely change it as no longer that interested in multichannel music. It is right size to fit unobtrusively between crt tv and the pj screen on top of crt (it blends in with curtains in HT mode so can't see it and is still well centred for both displays)
                                and a few other bits I might have forgotten

                                if interested here is the progression - the original 600 based system in Sept 05 is linked in the top of the first post

                                As you can see, I have decided the 600 series is enough for tv/dvds for me, but for 2ch work, a separate or integrated system was then the priority
                                Thanks for asking
                                "He who dies first with the most toys wins"


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