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  • fauzigarib
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2006
    • 216


    Hi there,

    I'm still in the process of arranging funds for the purchase decision that I've (more or less) made: 802D's.

    However, one thing's kind of been bothering me, and perhaps someone can give their input on this.

    I've been a very proud owner of Klipschorns that are paired with a McIntosh SS Integrated. Whether that's a better speaker than the B&W is not my concern, as I love both sounds that I've heard.

    However, Chris on this forum brought up a very good point in my earlier thread on "KHorns Vs. B&W". During the time that I've owned these, I have "messed around" with the speakers so much, that it isn't even funny. I have got the crossovers updated, and then updated them further with new capacitors and windings. I have redone the facade of the speakers from the outside, just because the initial piano black was fading...

    Each time I feel the sound to be a bit bright, out come the crossovers, change the settings on the autotransformer, and in they go again.

    Also, because of the high sensitivity on these speakers, they lend themselves to a lot of experimentation with a lot of different amps... like the $29 Sonic Impact that I got from Target.

    Of course, when I started this hobby, I was not nearly as technical as I am now... and I owe my forum buddies over at Klipsch for that.

    So whether or not the sound is to die for and will melt you in your tracks (it will!), there certainly was a ton of enjoyment associated with this hobby for me with the amount of involvement that came with the speakers.

    So my question to you guys is this: In your experience with B&W, how much tweakability is there? What sorts of projects do people work on over on this forum? Any upgraded crossovers (I'm sure I read that somewhere on this site)? Any interesting cabinet changes? Any multi amping type experiments where you mix and match crossovers?

    Just wondering, as I've kind of realized that my hands on approach plays a large part of my enjoying this hobby... And I might be scared out of my wits if I even breath on the 12,000 speakers wrong, let alone think about opening them up!!! :cry:


  • Race Car Driver
    Super Senior Member
    • Mar 2005
    • 1537

    I havent heard about anyone tweaken their 800 series, I know for one, I sure as hell wouldnt touch them! :lol:

    Anyone who has the gall to do that, kudos to you... or something.


    • DM3000 Owner
      Senior Member
      • Jun 2006
      • 475

      Originally posted by Race Car Driver
      I havent heard about anyone tweaken their 800 series, I know for one, I sure as hell wouldnt touch them! :lol:

      Anyone who has the gall to do that, kudos to you... or something.

      I found a preamp you shoudl look at next. I bought a Musical Fidelity A308CR to drive my Brystons - very nice. Kevin Deal at Upscale highly reccommended this preamp and I see why. I honestly don't miss tubes at all. I have seen their other models (like the 3.2) for less than $1,000.



      Read the white paper on the N801's on the B&W site. These spakers have been tweaked to the 9th degree using extremely sophisticated sound labs and highly trained engineers.

      I used to be an engineer and have no problem tweaking other speakers (I built 6 crossovers this weekend) but the B&W's are a different animal. Vintage Corvette vs. new Ferrari kind of thing.

      I have a pair of B&W DM3000's that I bought not too long ago (and then bought N801's ONE WEEK LATER) that I have reglued all of the surrounds and after talking to B&W's engineers, I will re-cap the networks probably using Solend bypassed with Audiocap Thetas. The engineer told me that the old B&W's didn't use the greatest caps. But even these older speakers use a very complex network that I would not modify.

      By the way, if you want to get your feet wet with B&W on the cheap, check these out:

      I love mine, great midrange and nice warm bass. Definately not N801's but very good, especialy for the price. If shipping isn't too bad it may be an option (but shipping is probably way too much). They are small enough to place next to the K Horns too.



      • dyazdani
        Moderator Emeritus
        • Oct 2005
        • 7032

        I haven't heard of any tweaks for the 800s either, other than stands, etc.


        • fauzigarib
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2006
          • 216

          DM 3000's


          Thanks for the lead... I had checked them out already, and just went to the link that you sent... Sold!

          What sort of electronics are needed to run these, btw... Will seriously consider these as an option to get started.




          • RNKC
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2005
            • 197

            Originally posted by fauzigarib
            ... I might be scared out of my wits if I even breath on the 12,000 speakers wrong, let alone think about opening them up!!! :cry:

            Don't do it! (On both accounts - don't breath wrong on an 800 series and for sure, don't open it up!)


            • fauzigarib
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2006
              • 216


              ... Where in Toronto do you live?

              For the past three years, I've been spending half my time in To, in Mississauga just across from Square One, and half in Karachi, Pakistan. Aside from the fact that going back and forth is just killing me, my audio hobby is suffering too, as I don't have ANYTHING in Toronto...

    's the closest B&W dealer that you know of to me? Just wondering you do know of anyone...

              Maybe I can just drop by your place over and over again, and pretend that I'm at home! :roll:




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