Which 600 Series to complete my collection?

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  • Clepto
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2006
    • 292

    Which 600 Series to complete my collection?

    So, through the powers of eBay, I've managed to sell 3 pairs of 10+ year old bose speakers, and now have the cash to buy a pair of B&W 600 series bookshelf speakers...

    Currently, I am sporting, for 90% HT, 10% Music/Surround Music

    CC: LCR600s3
    L/R: 602s3
    SR/SL: 600s3
    Yamaha RXV1400 Receiver

    I have a couple of options... Buy 601's for my 'stereo' set up in a different room...

    Buy DS6's, replace them with my current surrounds, and then move the 600s3's to the 'stereo' room

    I don't think from a space perspective, that I can currently use 601's in my 5.1 system, as the small size of the 600 works better in my room. The 601's might be too tall.

    Next upgrade will likely be the Rotel Class D 7 channel, or possibly 5 channel amp, followed in a year by a new Pre/Pro. 5 Channel might have more appeal, because that will force me to get a 2-channel amp for my fronts if I ever go 7.1 (; (which means i can get 604s3's then
    Buy 601s3, use in 'Stereo' room
    Buy DS63, swap with current 600s3 Surrounds
    Other: Keep in mind, can't really do more than $450
    Last edited by Clepto; 25 August 2006, 16:21 Friday.
  • Clepto
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2006
    • 292

    Boo on whomever voted other, and didn't respond with what that other was /:

    I was hoping to hear from anyone who may have tried out the DS6 dipoles for surrounds vs either 600's or 601's...


    • audioqueso
      Super Senior Member
      • Nov 2004
      • 1930

      I use to have the 600 as surrounds. I am buying DS6 now for surrounds. :T
      B&W 804S/Velodyne SPL-1000R/Anthem MRX720


      • Clepto
        Senior Member
        • Feb 2006
        • 292

        Well, after a little researching, I'm leaning more towards getting those DS6s3's as my surrounds. My biggest question for folks, is will it be bad to have them stand mounted, at ear level, instead of being slightly higher, mounted on the wall?

        DS6s3 in monopole mode use effectively the same drivers as the 600s3, but don't go quite as low (85Hz) due to being sealed rather than ported... so I don't think I'll really be giving up too much for my multi-channel music, but I think I'll enhance my HT experience.

        Anyone with thoughts on having the diploes on stands at ear level, input would be appreciated.


        • Clepto
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2006
          • 292

          Well, I ended up going with the DS6s3's for my surrounds in a 5.1 setup, and it was DEFINITELY worth the purchase, at least from a HT standpoint. I haven't flipped them to mono mode for SACD/DVD-A listening yet, but the surround field in dipole mode are just want my room needed.

          Before, with my 600s3's as surrounds, you only got a vague sense of the surround field, and really, only from the sweet spot. Now, I feel like the surrounds truly 'surround' me.

          For anyone debating dipoles for HT, being able to listen to them in your room is highly recommended!


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