B&W Dealerships...

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  • fauzigarib
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2006
    • 216

    B&W Dealerships...

    Hey there,

    I've been contemplating this for a while anyways, so I thought I'd post here as part of my research.

    I've seen the state of affairs of the audio market over in Pakistan, and realized that it really could use a good audio dealership here. I think the money is there in the market, the need for a trustworthy, AUTHORIZED dealership is definitely there.

    However, I wonder what sort of finances would be involved here? How much would B&W help out in setting up a small venture like this? I own my own businesses, and I'm sure that I could take some finances out to do this on the side... and work at it to convert it into a successful business.

    Keep in mind that there already is an agent here, but he is too busy with other products and agencies... namely Porsche... Yes, he is the agent for Porsche here.

    Just wondering if anyone has any ideas.

  • chinets
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2005
    • 855

    Dear Fauzi,
    I would give Karim the Dubai B&W a call ,and he would know everything about opening a B&W dealership in Pakistan and all the perks that go with it ,including the financing if they do that.
    I am sure he would give you a hand and would give you great insight into all this.
    If you want me to speak to Karim I would do that for you with pleasure.
    Have a wonderful day to you and the family,


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